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Wairarapa village

Care Facility

WAIRARAPA VILLAGE Care Facility can provide high level of rest home and hospital level care. You will have access to 24-hour care in a safe and comfortable environment with a Nurse Manager and team of registered Nurses and trained Caregivers dedicated to your wellbeing.

With a choice of living options, you can stay close to your spouse or partner if your care needs are different. You will be able to enjoy great companionship, keep busy with a variety of village activities and share quality time with your family and friends.

Wairarapa Village offer rest home and hospital care in ensuite and non ensuite rooms.  Premium options are available. 

Wairarapa Village also offers Serviced Apartments where you can be supported to age place and if required, rest home level care can be provided.

If you are caring for an older person and need a break, WAIRARAPA VILLAGE offers short term respite care. We also offer health recovery and rehabilitation.

If you need to find care for yourself or a loved please contact Rebecca Richardson, Facility Clinical Manager on 06 370 6022 or 021 2756362 or email